Are we biblical or secular Christians?

I believe that we are a biblical christians, why? simple because we are believing in one God and we are believing in bible and in what is written in it. Bible is one of the most powerful weapon that God sent to us for us to be aware that God is existing and also for us to know everything about him. I believe that bible is the book of sacred writings used in the Christian religion. Bible is the key for us to have a great and strong relationship with God. Being a biblical christian is one of the greatest decision that I have never regret. Biblical Christian is the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. We believe in Jesus Christ, by dying and rising from the dead, made up for the sin of Adam and thus redeemed the world, allowing all who believe in him to enter heaven. Christians rely on the bible as the inspired word of God. But in our generation right now, I can conclude that many of us is a secular christians because people is making there own decisions without consulting God first, I mean let us God plan for us. Secular christians, It rejects the concept of a personal God and embraces the status of Jesus Christ. As I can see, many of the secular christian are attending to the church to be desplayed not to listen to the word of God. We should not do that because church is a sacred place. We as a biblical christian should have a good relationship with God by reading the bible and the important thing is to put God in the center of our lives. Building a good relationship with God is making our life better and worth it. I am a biblical christian because I believe in God and in the word of God.

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