Who are we to question God’s authority?

Imagine a masterpiece questioned his creator. How can we question God if we are just nothing? We are just human being and part of his creation. We have no rights even just a little to question God’s authorities simple because He is the Lord and the creator. Even the most powerful person in this world don’t have the right to question Him. We should not question God because without him we are just nothing and remember that everything that you see is God’s properties and possesions. We are born to serve and praise God, he created us to fulfill his creation. Instead of questioning God, let us try to appreciate what we have and everything that God gave us and especially our lives. Let’s be thankful because He created us. God is the source of everything so we must obey all of his authorities. He died on the cross to save us from our sins, He offer his life for us so how come that we as a human questioned him for all He done?! Money cannot be compensated for everything that God does. Let us just believe in Him because He is the one who is there if we are needing a help. He is the one who is guiding us from every challenges that we encounter even in our everyday life. There is so many ways that God proven to us how much He loves us and all we have to do is to recieve His love and also we have to prove to Him that we are deserving for His love. Remember that we are created in this world to obey His authorities, serve and praise Him as a serve of paying Him back. Instead of questioning Him, let’s be thankful for everything he gave us. According to Romans 5:8 “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

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